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Information for Clinicians and Patients

Throwing Strategies for Athletes of All Ages

Over the last few weeks on social media, we have presented some basic throwing biomechanics and some simple tricks to enhance throwing efficiency and ways to reduce pain. Here is a review of throwing mechanics and some throwing drills to address these mechanics:

The Stretch

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Exceptional balance while pitching requires a consistent set up position on the mound. Here is a basic setup position from the stretch that is often overlooked but is critical for timing and sequencing of the throwing motion.

  • Feet are shoulder width apart

  • Big toe of back foot aligned with arch of front foot

  • Head over belly button

  • Chin over front shoulder

  • Knees flexed equally

Energy Angle

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Energy Angle represents a measurement we use to assess how well a pitcher uses momentum towards home plate. In essence l, we want to see pitchers move their butts to home plate. The energy angle is a line drawn from the base of their stance leg to their center of mass at their maximum leg lift.

Pitchers who develop strong energy angles will develop more efficiency and better velocity.

The Opposite and Equal


This is the position where the glove side elbow bend should mirror the elbow of the throwing side. All great pitchers are consistent with the opposite and equal position. This helps maintain balance throughout the pitching motion.

This is especially true with little leaguers, where young players are learning to balance their glove which ways around 1.5lbs and a ball which weight about 5 ounces.

Stabilize the Glove

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Pulling your glove to your side or hip will often result in additional torso lean and head tilt. This will put you in a suboptimal position. Pitch accuracy will often be lost.

Instead, stabilize your glove and move the torso towards the glove. This will lead to better ACCURACY and ball release will be closer to the target, which means more VELOCITY.

Throwing Drills for Athletes of All Ages

Here are some throwing drills to incorporate in your warm-up to improve timing and kinematic sequence with throwing. Complete 10 throws of each drills as part of your warm up routine.

The Rocker Drill is utilized to improve weight transfer from stance leg to stride leg, being comfortable with a wider stride length, and learning to propel yourself towards the target

For more information on throwing, or skills and drills to improve and enhance your throwing performance, contact Matt at Finish Strong PT

This text, images, videos, and other materials have been provided as general information for exercise and rehabilitation and are intended for educational purposes. Any individual beginning mentioned, or beginning any other exercise program, should first consult with a qualified health professional. Discontinue any exercise that causes discomfort and/or dysfunction and consult with a qualified medical professional.