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Information for Clinicians and Patients

Exercise Progressions for Skiers and Snow Boarders

As we gear up for ski and snowboard injuries, we are commonly asked to incorporate ski “prevention” exercises for skiers and snowboarders. Knee sprains and ACL injuries account for up to 47% of all ski injuries in children and adolescents.

When we think of skiing and snowboarding, it requires both double limb stability, the ability to control the torso, pelvis, hips and knees through multiple planes of movement and be able to react in response to pertubations and uneven terrain.

Over the last week, Dan and Matt have provided some activities to work on lateral or frontal plane stability. Here are the activities they recommended and some additional exercise to include in your ski training program.

I hope you enjoy the activities we provide below. Be safe and contact us with any questions!

This text, images, videos, and other materials have been provided as general information for exercise and rehabilitation and are intended for educational purposes. Any individual beginning mentioned, or beginning any other exercise program, should first consult with a qualified health professional. Discontinue any exercise that causes discomfort and/or dysfunction and consult with a qualified medical professional.

Here is a great activity to work on lower extremity frontal plane stability with a single leg driveThis is great for sports or activities that require latera...
Lateral based plyometric movements in preparation for skiing
A plyometric progression that requires transfer of stability from one lower extremity to the opposite lower extremity while working on dynamic frontal plane ...
Matthew Somma