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Information for Clinicians and Patients

A Hip Mobility Warm-Up Sequence for Those with Tight Hips

The hip is a common area of focus in rehabilitation and sport performance programs. Limitations in mobility and strength can be associated with low back, hip, knee, or foot and ankle pain. Often times when you see a rehabilitation provider, some components of mobility or strengthening will be included in the program because of its importance in the lower kinetic chain.

Here is a nice warm-up sequence specifically to improve hip mobility. Stay tuned later this month for a hip activation sequence.

Self-Hip Mobilization: Flexion

The hip self-mobilization - hip flexion is a self-mobilization technique with the following benefits:

- addresses hip joint mobility in open chain to improve hip flexion - creates an inferior glide with hip flexion - allows for pain free mobility with squatting - improves performance during the squat pattern

-place the band right at your groin, bring the hip forward as seen in the video and perform 10-20 pain free repetitions


Self-Hip Mobilization: External Rotation

This a self-mobilization technique with the following benefits:

- addresses hip joint mobility in open chain to improve hip flexion and external rotation - creates an inferior glide with hip flexion and external rotation - allows for pain free mobility with squatting - improves performance during the squat pattern

-place the band right at your groin, bring the hip forward and rotate the foot inward as seen in the video and perform 10-20 pain free repetitions


Self-Hip Mobilization: Quadruped Rocking

The hip self-mobilization - quadruped rocking is a self-mobilization technique with the following benefits:

- created a lateral distraction with a centration in the joint - addresses hip joint mobility in closed chain - allows for pain free mobility with squatting and weight bearing activities - improves performance during the squat pattern, lunge patterns, open and closed chain hip motion

-place the band right at your groin, go onto your hands and knees as seen in the video and perform 10-20 pain free repetitions


Half-Kneeling Active Hip Flexor Stretch

The half-kneeling active hip flexor stretch is a active self-mobilization technique for the psoas and anterior hip that provides the following benefits:

- addresses iliopsoas and anterior hip capsular mobility - addresses hip joint mobility in closed chain - works on half-keeling stabilization and control of lumbopelvic position

Tuck the pelvis posteriorly, squeeze the glutes, and rocking back forth feeling a small stretch on the front side of the hip. Perform 10-20 reps.


Half-Kneeling Active Hip Adductor Stretch

The half-kneeling active hip adductor stretch is a active self-mobilization technique for the short adductors and provides the following benefits:

- addresses short adductor mobility including the adductor brevis, the pectineus, - addresses hip joint mobility in closed chain - works on half-keeling stabilization and control of lumbopelvic position

Bring the leg out to the side as seen in the video and rock side to side. Perform 10-20 reps


Half-Kneeling Active Long Axis Hip Adductor Stretch

The half-kneeling active hip adductor stretch is a active self-mobilization technique for the long adductors and provides the following benefits:

- addresses long adductor mobility including the adductor longus and magnus - addresses hip joint mobility in closed chain - works on half-keeling stabilization and control of lumbopelvic position

Bring the leg out to the side as seen in the video and go onto your hands and knees. Rock back and forth. Perform 10-20 reps


Hip Lateral Distraction with Squatting

The hip self-mobilization - lateral distraction with squatting is a self-mobilization technique with the following benefits:

- addresses hip joint mobility in closed chain - allows for pain free mobility with squatting - improves performance during the squat pattern.

Lower into a squat throughout a pain free range of motion. Perform 10-20 reps


Hip Lateral Distraction with Lunging

The hip self-mobilization - lateral distraction with lunging is a self-mobilization technique with the following benefits:

- addresses hip joint mobility in closed chain - allows for pain free mobility with lunging - improves performance during the squat pattern

Lower into a lunge through a pain free range. Perform 10-20- reps,


This text, images, videos, and other materials have been provided as general information for exercise and rehabilitation and are intended for educational purposes. Any individual beginning mentioned, or beginning any other exercise program, should first consult with a qualified health professional. Discontinue any exercise that causes discomfort and/or dysfunction and consult with a qualified medical professional.

Matthew Somma