

Frequently Asked Questions



Below are a few frequently asked questions- please get in touch if you
have any other questions or comments, we are here to help!


Do I need a referral from my doctor before beginning physical therapy?

No! In the state of Maine you do not need a referral to see a physical therapist. In the event, that we see you but feel you may benefit from seeing a physician, we will be happy to recommend a physician for you.

Do you accept my insurance?

We are considered an out-of-network provider so we do not directly accept your insurance. We do not contract with insurance companies. We do accept Health Savings Accounts (HSA). Depending on your insurance, you may be able to be reimbursed for you services. Call the number on your insurance card and ask “what are my out-of-network physical therapy benefits?”. We will provide you with the necessary paperwork to get reimbursed. Due to certain laws and regulations, we are unable to see individuals who are covered by Medicare, MaineCare, or federal government funded insurance companies such as TRICARE.

How much does your service cost?

Our prices are variable depending on the services we provide. For a physical therapy evaluation, it will cost $150.00. For a follow up visit it will cost $150.00. For a performance training visit it will cost $150.00. For more information on the services we provide and their specific costs, please visit the service pages, in the services drop down menu.

How do I submit for reimbursement to my insurance company?

Contact your insurance carrier to find out options for submitting. It is important you ask them what paperwork is required for submission. Each insurance company is a little different. After each physical therapy visit, you will be provided a Superbill upon request. This document has all of the information on it required for your reimbursement. You can then submit the required documentation (Superbill, your payment receipt, insurance claim submission form, etc.) to your insurance carrier.


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