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Information for Clinicians and Patients

Reducing Flare Up After Achilles Tendinopathy

Last week on social media we posted about Achilles’ tendinopathy and how to avoid flare ups.

Did you know that 44% of athletes will experience a recurrence of symptoms after experiencing Achilles tendinopathy? Matt provided some immediate strategies to improve mobility and maintain strength after injury.

Matt recommends the following to be included in your active warm-up on lower body days:

Self-myofascial work to the Achilles and calf complex. Spend 3-5 minutes working up and down your calf to warm and mobilize tissues.

Half Kneeling Ankle Mobilization - place a thick band around the ankle at the base of your foot. Rock back and forth to work on the bend at your ankle joint. Complete 15-20 reps

Eccentric Calf Strengthening with load- this is great for tendon remodeling and improving overall tendon strength. Complete 3 sets of 15 reps .

Once symptoms have resolved and you are ready to return to activities, Dan is here to show some functional movement progressions in the video links below.

These activities are great to incorporate into your warm-up to integrate function in you activation strategies for your calf complex and prepare you athletic activities.

Stay tuned for more helpful hints from your friends at Finish Strong Physical Therapy.

Matthew Somma